
Showing posts from April, 2020

Teaching vocabulary through technology

  Hello everyone! I hope this blog finds you well.   The topic I have chosen for this blog is about teaching vocabulary through technology. I chose this topic, because, when I was in the elementary and secondary school, learning vocabulary was very boring. We would learn the new words by heart, repeating them several times or (the most tiring activity) writing a single word ten or twenty times.  So, I decided to "explore" some ways how to make teaching of the vocabulary fun, so that my future students won't suffer like I did.  First of all, I think we should be clear about what importance vocabulary plays in language learning.  Vocabulary can be defined as '' words we must know to communicate effectively,words in speaking (expressive vocabulary) and words in listening (receptive vocabulary)''. Its importance stands in the fact that it makes people communicate with each-other. Take for example 2 cases: In the first case, someone starts learning

Using social media in education

  Hello everyone! I hope this blog finds you well.   The topic I have chosen for this blog is the use of social media in education.  It might sound a little bit odd, but yes, there are schools that apply the social media for educational purposes.  For some teachers, it might be a nightmare, but surely, to all students it is a dream come true.  But what do we really mean by the collocation "social media", which are its benefits and disadvantages and how can we implement it? What do we mean by "social media"? Social media  refers to websites and applications that are designed to allow people to share content such as videos, photos, opinions quickly, efficiently, and in real-time. Some social medias, as we all know or at least have heard about include: Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, Blogger etc.                                                                  Which are the benefits of using social media in t

Constructivism and DDD-E

    Hello everyone,     It is a pleasure to be in touch with you again!   Today's topic is "Constructivism and DDD-E". I had read about constructivism in other subjects, but DDD-E was a new term to me and I needed to make some "researches" about it in order to understand its value in teaching.       We were given some materials to read about Contructivism, so I assume everyone knows what it is and what stands in its core. However, I am making a brief summary. Constructivism in itelf is an approach and its central idea is that knowledge is constructed. I am sure we all remember how we listened to our teachers for hours back in school, sometimes even being afraid to make questions, because the teacher was always right. If we'd make questions, it would mean we weren't paying enough attention and we'd be punished. Well, the contrary happens inside a classroom where Constructivism is implemented.   The students are considered as beings with previ

Multimedia, Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences and Cooperative Learning

  Hello everyone,    I hope you are all doing well!   Today's topic is about cooperative learning and the use of Multimedia in heterogeneous classes.  I think we've all found the traditional classes boring and instead of actually listening to the teacher, we would do other things such as sketching in the notebook, read something else or even use our cellphones. I remember an English teacher of my high school who spent 45 minutes of the whole class explaining and asking us to tell the previous lessons by heart. No matter how much I loved English and how good I was, it still was a nightmare to me attending that class. And yes, it was boring!   On the other hand, there were teachers who would allow us to work in groups and I still remember the excitement of the class when we were told to do so. The groups consisted of five members of different levels, let's say. Some of us weren't friends, but for the sake of the common good, we would accept each other as we were. T