Teaching vocabulary through technology

 Hello everyone! I hope this blog finds you well. 

The topic I have chosen for this blog is about teaching vocabulary through technology. I chose this topic, because, when I was in the elementary and secondary school, learning vocabulary was very boring. We would learn the new words by heart, repeating them several times or (the most tiring activity) writing a single word ten or twenty times.  So, I decided to "explore" some ways how to make teaching of the vocabulary fun, so that my future students won't suffer like I did. 

First of all, I think we should be clear about what importance vocabulary plays in language learning. 

Vocabulary can be defined as '' words we must know to communicate effectively,words in speaking (expressive vocabulary) and words in listening (receptive vocabulary)''. Its importance stands in the fact that it makes people communicate with each-other. Take for example 2 cases: In the first case, someone starts learning English by reading about grammar. After he or she finishes the grammar passages, it will be difficult to interact with any native. In the first case, someone starts learning English by giving more importance to the vocabulary (food, colours, animals, etc). He or she will find it easier to interact with a native, for example in a restaurant. 

It is said that  knowledge of vocabulary enables language use and, conversely, language use leads to an increase in vocabulary knowledge.
In addition, according to Krashen, when people travel, they do not carry grammar books, but dictionaries. 

This is because without grammar a little be conveyed, but without vocabulary, nothing will be conveyed. 

But, how can teachers teach vocabulary ?

Using Realia.

Using this technique includes the use of realia, visual aids, and demonstration. They can function to help learners in remembering vocabulary better, because our memory for objects and pictures is very reliable and visual techniques can act as cues for remembering words. Objects can be used to show meanings when the vocabulary consist of concrete nouns. Introducing a new word by showing the real object often helps learners to memorize the word through visualization. 

 Using Illustrations and Pictures

Pictures connect students’ prior knowledge to a new story, and in the process, help them learn new words.  The list of pictures includes: posters, flashcards, wall charts, magazine pictures,board drawings, stick figures and photographs. There are actually visual dictionaries, which may help students understand the meaning of the words better. 

Using mimes and gestures

This method is very effective, because the students will be able to have a concrete example of the word. The teacher can make use of technology in this case, showing students some videos. For example, there might be a person crying in the video and the other asks why he or she is sad. It might also be perfect on explaining idioms. When a student reads tis question in the book: "Why has he got such a long face?", he or she, might think that's about his face shape. But, if the student watches the person with the long face in a video, he or she will understand that he is sad. 
Other activities may be role-play or acting a short drama. 

Using hyponyms

I think that creating a kind of classification between words is another effective method teachers can teach the vocabulary. By teaching the relationships between words, this will guide let's say student to think critically and acquire the words faster. 

Now, the real question is: How can we use technology to teach vocabulary?

1. Using Wordle, which is a free Web application that allows you to create a word cloud based on the frequency of words in a particular text. It can be used to stimulate students' thinking about the meaning, importance, and relationship of words as they analyze, create, and publish Wordles. To create a word cloud, you paste text into the applet and then manipulate the visual display by selecting the color scheme, layout, and font. Word clouds can be used to highlight keywords and themes to prepare students for reading, as well as prompt discussion after reading.

2. Using WordSift, which is another free word cloud tool available on the Internet. Like Wordle, a word cloud is created based on text that is cut and pasted into the application.  Each word can be clicked on to show a collection of related images, a word map, and a listing of sentences from the text that present the word in different contexts. 

3. Teachers can create online exercises such as Crossword, Gap Fill, Quiz, Picture Match exercises etc. In this case, the students will learn the new words in a fun and stress free environment. 

4. We can suggest students to use online dictionaries, as long as they might be heavy as books to be taken to school. Also, online dictionaries are free. Below I have included four online dictionaries you might find helpful. 

5. Students can listen to native speakers by watching different videoes. The teacher can suggest them some vidoes so they can watch at home and discuss at the next class. We all know that listening activities are a little bit challenging to be achieved in our classes, due to lack of technology in schools or even the crowded classes. So, why not instruct the student to get prepared at home?

6. When I was in the fifth grade I started translating songs and short passages or books or films. It helped me a lot in understanding English and discovering new words. Another idea, is to give students such task of translaing. When I was in the fifth grade I wrote the translations in notebooks, whereas now, students can use Blogger or Word and then share their work in Dropbox. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, I appreciate it! 
Are there any ways you can think of using technology in teaching vocabulary? 

Please feel free to share your opinion! 
P.s. Don't forget to stay safe :) 


  1. Hi Elda , your post is explained in details and l really like reading every post of yours. What l mostly enjoyed is that you have involved your personal experience . Keep going with the good job☺️

    1. Thank you very much Sid! I appreciate it that you read my blog. Hugs. :)

  2. Hi Elda! Always enjoy reading your posts. I really like how you organize your thoughts and arguments. Yes, it is true that there are various activities for teaching new vocabulary to your students. I appreciate that you mentioned all these online applications that i might find useful in the future ;) Keep up the good work.

    1. Hi Elena! I'm glad you found my post useful. Thank you for reading it. Sending you virtual hugs :)

  3. If you are crazy to know about technology and you don't know how to start with basic information then I suggest you check What is Technology And It's Major Categories? This is the best and most informative website i.e., Blogger Intelli.


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