Web 2.0 Tools

Hello everyone!

 I hope this blog finds you well. 

Last time my blog was dedicated to Evaluation/Assessment, making a distinction between both terms, the benefits of assessment and its types. 

As long as until now we have been dealing with topics about the use of technology in education, multimedia, Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences and cooperative learning, constructivism and DDDE model (including Design and Develop phase) and other topics such as using social media in education, teaching vocabulary through technology and evaluation/assessment. 

I decided to describe the use of technology in a more practical perspective in this blog by dealing with some web tools needed in our teaching.

What are Web 2.0 tools?

Web 2.0 tools are free digital programs that can be used for creating and sharing student-generated projects and products. They are interactive, multi-purpose, easy-to-use digital platforms that encourage students to collaborate with each other or create and share individualized response products.

You can find more information by reading this article.  https://www.collegestar.org/modules/using-web-2-0-tools-to-engage-learners

We already know the importance of using technology in education, including motivation, participation, interaction, setting a context, encouraging research and creativity as well. They can be used individually, but it would be better to use them in PBL classes. In this way, students would start constructing their own knowledge and would more selective. By working on projects that include the use of Multimedia, they would start playing with colours, images, audio, animations and so on, discovering their own talents and imagination.

The benefits of Web 2.00 tools.

As future teachers, we are aware of the importance of Bloom’s Taxonomy in education. It helps us to understand the different levels of learning and it makes the life easier for us when we have to set objectives. But, how is Bloom’s Taxonomy related with Web 2.0 tools after all? 

Which are some Web 2.0 Tools and how can we use them in education?

1. Animoto: is a cloud based video creation service that produces video from photos, video clips, and music into video slideshows, and customized web-based presentations. There’s a tutorial below ⬇️ on how to use Animoto in education. 


2. Blabberize: is photo editing tool that creates talking animations from a photo or other images.

How to use it?

  1. Students upload an image. ... 
  2. Students crop the picture if necessary.
  3. Students select a portion of the picture to be the “mouth” – the part of the image that moves so that it looks like the picture is talking!
  4. Students record their voice.
  5. Students play back their recording and watch their picture talk.

3.Storyboardis a fun and easy-to-use tool for creating short, visual stories. Students can select artwork, drag and organize photos, and add their own text. These creations can then be published on the web with adjustable privacy settings. There is also the option to allow comments, which is perfect for teachers to encourage student collaboration.

4. Forvo: is an online dictionary pronunciation dictionary, which can be extremely useful when teaching a second language. Students will be able to listen to native speakers, improving their own accent and pronunciation of words. 

Well guys, there are endless web tools to use in a classroom in order for our teaching to as much effective as possible. I mentioned only four of them, but in this link you will find many other tools, which you may find valuabe to use in your future classes: https://oedb.org/ilibrarian/101-web-20-teaching-tools/ . 

I think that we have to choose which tools to use very carefully, because we have to consider our students' needs and abilities, as well as other factors, such as how comfortable us as teachers feel using a particular web tool; how much time we have to use it and whether the school provides internet connection or technological devices, such as laptops or tablets. 

Technology has a great impact in teaching. Not only does it motivate the students, but it also encourages them to work even more, as long as they find the subject more interesting. On the other hand, teachers challenge themselves when creating different online activities for the students. When a teacher uses technology, even his or her role in the class changes. The teacher becomes an observator, a facilitator, a guide, a collaborator. 

To sum up, technology faces us with so many options, so that we decide which one works best for us. Teachers should be innovators, always trying new methods and tools. These Web 2.0 tools are what we need in order for our dream classes to come true!

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, I appreciate it! 

Please feel free to share your opinion! 

P.s. Don't forget to stay safe 🤗


  1. Hi Elda! As always i enjoy reading your posts. First of all it is well structured. Secondly, agree with you that technology has a great impact on teaching. It encourages, motivates and challenges students to be more active and to learn independently.

  2. Hi Elda ,
    It is true that technology has a great impact in teaching nowadays , as you stated it motivate students and also help them in their learning process.I agree that we should be careful when choosing the tools that we want to use because students may not like them at all or they may not feel comfortable using such tools, and we should be sure that in the end we will reach our goal .
    I enjoy reading your post :)

  3. Mbasdite, si jeni Unë jam brazilian dhe po kërkoj ndjekës të rinj për blogun tim. Miq të rinj janë gjithashtu të mirëpritur.



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